Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My kids...

are just so amazing. I look at them in awe and wonder every single day.

This is Garrett, four years old at his first T-ball game.

And this is TJ, three years old and my quiet one, unless we are in the car. At that time he talks NON STOP!

The baby is Morgan, a true doll. She is a sassy little 1 1/2 year old.

And the leader of the pack is Devon. There are not enough words in the English language to describe this kid. Spunky, outgoing and loud are the words I used to describe her in her baby book, and they still apply.

I never in a million years thought I would have FOUR kids. It boggles my mind. I said so once to my husband, and his response was "Well, which ones should we get rid of?" Now that put me in my place! They are all perfect. I am proud of each of them every single day.

And my husband? He keeps me grounded. No one has a more level headed, sensible man than I do. Makes me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am counting my blessings tonight while everyone sleeps upstairs, safe and warm. I am one chick who knows how good I have it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leah!! Saw your post on Shuttermom & had to drop in to say hi. Love the pics of the kiddos. Drop by my blog & check it out - I too am still trying to learn how to set everything up on the blog!! LOL....

    Have a great weekend!
    Robin DePaula
    Hammond, LA


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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."