Monday, December 29, 2008

My turn!

There are scores of photographers who frequently take amazing photographs of their own kids, perfectly lit and posed, then enlarge, frame and hang them on the wall with creativity and flair. Oh, how I wish that was me.

I have more pictures of clients hanging in my home than I do of my own kids. I've never ordered a canvas wall hanging of any of them, or even made an album. Its just a little bit sad.

There are a few different things working against me here, the greatest is that my kids(mostly the boys)run when I point the camera toward them. You'd think I had a pistol in my hand.

Once I do manage to get them relatively still and doing something cute, I find I can't concentrate on the intricacies of photography. My thoughts go something like this: "The background is brighter than my subject so I need to set the camera to manual and the flash exposure to...(yelling now)'Trevor, stop hitting your sister!'...where was I? Oh yeah, something about the flash exposure, lets see...(looking up) "Where did Morgan go? Garrett, run over there and bring your sister back.'...oh, the heck with it, set the camera to auto and take the damn shot.

Every once in a while I manage to create a keeper, one worthy of wall space even, but once again I'm more likely to hit the wall than get the flippin picture hung there. I simply can't hang a picture of one of the kids if I don't have a corresponding image of all the others, so I end up doing nothing, again.

Most of the pictures of my kids are snapshots. Still, I love them and feel the need to show them off, and that is the beauty of the SLIDESHOW. There is something special about viewing the pictures along with a touching song, and I never tire of creating or watching my shows.

The following show is a recap of 2008, probably more interesting to me than anyone else as evidenced by the number of times I've already viewed it, but like I said, I'm compelled to share it:

And as always, comments are always appreciated!



  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Leah, I love your family and your photos. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    You have a gorgeous family! We miss seeing y'all. Got to have a BBQ together soon! Happy New Year to all you guys!

    April, Alan, Wesley, Laney

  3. Your family is beautiful! You should use them as models more often! ;)

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I love the video. Your daughters are polar opposites, but beauties both!

  5. Anonymous8:46 AM

    How is it that I never saw this? I love it!!


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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."