Sunday, July 27, 2008

This is what summer looks like to me:

When I met Chip, it was easy to fall in love with him-he was a bad-a$$ race car driver. I spent almost every Saturday night that summer watching him win races at San Antonio Raceway on Highway 16. It was nerve-wracking and thrilling and totally cool, and I was hooked-both on him and on watching him race (racing in general-not so much).

By the second year, I had convinced myself that he was going to propose to me on the track after a win. I was bitterly disappointed when he lost, thinking to myself "Great, now I have to wait yet another week for the ring." I think he lost a few in a row for different reasons, and I was getting more and more impatient.

Finally, he won. The number 44 car pulled up to the front straightaway and I was running like crazy to make sure that when Chip got out of the car he wouldn't have to look for me. The entire set-up was perfect: our friends were all there (even the track announcer was Chip's good friend Milton)and the track photographer was in place to capture my shock and surprise.

He climbed out of the car, I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. We posed with the trophy girl for the camera, laughing and smiling. And then Chip got back into his car and drove off.

No proposal.

No ring.

No nothing.

And to my surprise, I think the photographer succeeded in capturing my shock.

Knowing him as well as I now do, I can't believe I ever thought he'd propose in front of other people. It's not his style, he is way too introverted and doesn't want to draw attention to himself. He did eventually propose (about 6 months later) during a very romantic cruise to the Carribbean.

So, after we got married and started having kids his racing days seemed numbered. That is, until this year. He is at it again, and I'm finding myself at the track yelling and screaming "Go Chip Go!" along with the kids.

They watched him win last week and got to run out to the track for the trophy and a picture. Talk about a flashback for me! My youngest daughter, M, refused to go through the gate, so we stayed near the stands. I got a couple of images of the back of the car, as Chip accepted his trophy with the boys.

This is Chips car speeding by (note the number of the car!):

Here is the checkered flag as Chip went by, with an enormous gap between him and the second place car:

You can't see them, but the boys are in front with Chip as they get the trophy:

Click here for the view from the front.

Ah, here they come:

Here are the boys with their cousin T, Uncle Matt and the trophy in the stands:

Chip races almost every Friday night at the track in Pleasanton. I'd love to have someone come along with me!

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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."