Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No pictures, yet.

My oldest and sassiest child "D" is a cheerleader. She was born to be one, as anyone one who knew her at the age of 2 can tell you. So far, we've attended four competitions this year, long days spent watching cute girls applying makeup, hugging, cheering, winning. Great photo ops, right?

Not for me. I have not taken a single blasted picture this entire season. Oh, I've had a good enough reason each time for not having my camera, or not taking it out when I did have it, but I am DETERMINED to get some shots this weekend.

I will not forget my camera, I will not forget the memory card, I will not forget to charge the battery. I will take lots and lots of amazing pictures of my daughter doing what she does best, and then I'll post them here for all to see. I will, I will, I will!

And just in case I don't, there is always next week.

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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."