Sunday, February 04, 2007


I think about what to blog all day long. I come up with some great ideas, but poof, they're gone before I know it and then I sit staring at the computer wondering what to say.

What I wish is that I could have a computer in my brain, connected to the internet of course, and I could just cut and paste things I think are funny or useful right into my blog. Now THAT would be instant messaging!

I thought Prince was FANTASTIC during the SuperBowl. Old school, baby! If I could have, I would have cut and pasted a clip here of me dancing (ok, trying to dance) to my old high school routine to "Hey, look me over. Tell me do you like what you see?" I'm not embarrased. Not at all. I think you would all be impressed with my fantastic recall even if you were rolling on the floor laughing at my moves. Well, really all I remembered was that I DID a dance to that song, but thats impressive, right?

Speaking of rolling on the floor, I went to my 4-5-6 party night with my girlfriends on Friday, and literally laughed so hard that I cried. Big tears. Red face and messed up make-up. What is up with that? Does anyone else do that? I wasn't feeling that touched-in-my-heart kind of happy, it was hilarious-funny. It was "ha, ha, ha, I thought you said 'sh#!' when you really said pit" -kind of funny. Nobody cries at that.

It's bad enough that I cry at every touchy-feely song and commercial, or when I get mad, or one of my kids gives me a handmade ornament. Or when I see a high school band go by in a parade. I mean really, don't women have enough crap to put up with on a daily basis? Do we have to fall apart for no reason? There should be a support group for women like me who can't control the urge to bawl in public. I'd go.

OK, now the last thing thats on my mind for tonight. It's my current list of favorite things.

I love my new Schick Quatro Power Razor. Totally worth the money. You should get one and see what I mean.

I also love my Alaskan ULU knife. I use it every single day, on sandwiches, pancakes, vegetables. Almost all other kitchen knives are obsolete now that I have this one. Mine has a wooden handle, but now they have a plastic handled one that can go into the dishwasher.

You can get one at You won't regret it.

Hmmm, I had another recommendation, but it has slipped my mind. I guess thats all, folks.

Have a day, make it great!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I have a Schick Quatro too! I LOVE it and I am very interested in the sand festival! I am going to try to convince Rudy to go! That sounds awesome! I bet the kids would LOVE that! Loved your latest blog entries! Too funny! You really should be a journalist!!!!! I enjoy reading your blog as much as I enjoy reading Rick Reilly the Sports Illustrated columnist!! ~G


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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."