Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More of Disneyland

I don't know why I have a blog, I have the most boring life anyone could possibly imagine. I guess that is why when something even slightly exciting happens I tend to completly blow it out of proportion. So yeah, our trip to Disneyland last week was the highlight of my year, maybe even of the last 5 years, and I'm just going to go ahead and keep sharing the entire trip even though the only people who really care are me and possibly my mom.

As I mentioned in my previous Disney post, the week ended on Morgan's 6th Birthday. I had decided that the best way to celebrate was with a trip to the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique for some major pampering and girl time. I knew she would love it, she is a total girly-girl just like I was at that age.

The week before the trip, I took Morgan shopping for a special party dress, but I told her that it was for her cousin, and that Aunt Andie needed her to choose it as a surprise for Addison. She surprised me by picking out the exact same dress I had my eye on. Great minds think alike! She never suspected that it was really for her, even when I had her try on shoes.

The morning of her birthday, I revealed the dress, shoes and finally told her about the boutique plans. She was so excited! We ended up putting her comfy tennis shoes on with her dress, though. I knew what a day of walking around Disney would do to her feet and decided that this time we would put comfort ahead of fashion.

Here she is, ready for her makeover:

She was a little nervous at first:

But her Fairy Godmother-in-training quickly put her at ease:

This cracks me up:

Some finishing touches:

A sprinkle of magic fairy dust:


We skipped the Disney photo session because we were pressed for time, but I did manage to get a few snapshots outside in the garden of my beautiful little princess:

She received several phone calls from her grandparents who wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday:

Her up-do never moved!

This is my favorite image of the day:

I was so proud to be seen with such a beautiful girl. It really doesn't get any better than this:

I still have one more set of images from our trip, I can't leave out the Jedi Training the boys received. I'll be back tomorrow with those awesome images!


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Nope, not just your mom cares! I LOVE these photos! I am a Disney Junkie :) I love your favorite one and the one of just her hair and the crown! It looks like she had a great time being pampered at the BBB and what little girl wouldn't??!!
    Can't wait to see more pics :)

  2. I love the photos, glad you had a great time. We try to go every fall break but couldn't make it this year. Halloween at Disneyland is the best!!! We are planning to go for Christmas, can't wait!

  3. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Those are priceless pics! Love em all! The last one with you is the BEST!! :-) GH


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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."