Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Disney-Part 3

I never intended to turn our Disney trip into a 3-day series of blog posts, but now that we live so far away from all of our family and most of our friends, this is the easiest and best way for me to share with them. So here goes my final installment!

Having two boys at very similar ages (they are one year, one month and one day apart) means that for the most part their interests are very similar. The both love to read, love all things Lego, and both happen to love Star Wars. We didn't see a ton of shows while we were at Disney, but one that we had to make time for was the Jedi Training. I was worried that they wouldn't get picked to participate, or worse, that only one of them would, but luckily they were both chosen from the mass of screaming kids to go up onstage.

This is TJ getting his Jedi robe:

Garrett was focusing hard on his training:

TJ face to face with Darth Vader:

At the end of their training, they received diplomas. So cute!

The park was getting very crowded by Friday afternoon, we had pretty much done everything that we wanted to do and we were exhausted, so we spent the remaining few hours playing in the various activity areas, shopping and eating.

We all went to sleep happy that night:

I don't know when we'll have the opportunity to go again, but I do know that I'm making family vacations a bigger priority from now on. So if you come to my house and wonder why we don't have a big-screeen TV or high-end furniture, it's because I'm spending all the money on trips with my kids. And loving every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I can see what a great time y'all had! You are right, I really need to take Ethan and Addison. Let's plan it for next year! But can you break the news to Russ that he can't get his big LCD TV since we will be broke from going to Disney?


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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."