Saturday, January 09, 2010

Giving back to my Phoenix, AZ friends

On Sunday, Jan. 10 (tomorrow!), I'll be doing FREE Facebook profile shots for anyone that wants one. Each person will get a 20 minute slot, which is plenty of time for me to capture your fabulousness, and we'll both have fun while we're at it.

You'll have access to your images in an online, password protected gallery, and you can choose one image for me to retouch to use as your Facebook profile shot. For FREE.

But Facebook isn't the only place you might want to use your image. Do you use E-harmony or a similar dating site? Then I know you could really use an updated, fabulous, but still-looks-like-you picture. And for all the moms I know, when is the last time that you had a nice portrait taken of JUST you? I bet you can't even remember. And if you have a business, you need a current image for your website, right?

You deserve this. Don't wait until you lose weight or your hair grows or whatever silly reason you have for not getting it done. I'm sure there is someone in your life who would love to have a picture of you exactly as you look right now. You never know what tomorrow might bring, so please don't put it off just because you aren't happy with your current appearance. If you don't like the shots, you don't have to use them, and I can always shoot you again in a few months, kinda like a before and after, except that you'll look great in both images!

To secure a spot, just comment below or email or call me. I'll be at Freestone Park tomorrow waiting for you.

Here are a few Facebook images I've done in the past. Gorgeous, huh?

Please let me do this for you, I promise you won't regret it. Pinky swear, stick a needle in my eye and all that.

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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."