Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tutu Cute Mini Sessions!

Spring is just around the corner, which means that it's time to start thinking about outdoor portrait sessions for the little ones in your life. I have a couple of mini-sessions planned for the next few weeks, which means big savings on the cost of your session.

First up are the Tutu Cute Minis, which will take place at a local park on Sunday, March 8, with both morning and late afternoon time slots available.

My friend good friend Donna and her daughter Brittany are making the tutus by hand, so you can specify the size and color that you prefer, and your daughter gets to keep it at the end of the session!

The cost will be $200, which includes the session fee, CD of images and of course the fluffy little tutu. The session will last one hour, which is the perfect amount of time for up to two girls.

I have already booked half of the available slots, so if you are interested then you should act fast!

I plan to do a Gone Fishing session for boys soon after this one, dates and details will be announced soon.

Call me at 602-1490 or email for more information or to reserve a spot.


  1. your pictures are gorgeous...just out of curiosity what kind of Camera/lens are you using to shoot? I love the picture of the little girl walking away from you...

  2. Thanks Carrie! I usually use my Nikon D200, but it is being repaired so this shoot was done with my old D50. The lens is a Nikon 85mm 1.8.

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I love them! Morgan looks like she had fun!

  4. Anonymous11:44 AM

    OMGosh, Morgan is such a doll! She looks stunning in all of the photos! She is quite the camera ham!! :-) I LOVE what you did with the tutu with the light in the background! Sooo cool! ~G


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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."