Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Ginormous Album

Here is something I find interesting-the word GINORMOUS is now in Webster's Dictionary. I always think that people using that word sound like idiots, but now I'm going to start using it myself.

So AINT aint a word 'cuz its not in the dictionary, but ginormous is. Also, the term "Perfect Storm" is newly listed. OK, I've used that one before in conversation. But do you know what "Crunk" is? Well, then look it up, 'cuz its in there, too. And no, I've never used that word.

I had the pleasure of delivering my first completed wedding album recently, and it was a beauty! Casey and Chris picked out the most gorgeous dark brown leather for the cover. I love how heavy and well-made it was, and I was just so incredibly excited to give it to them!

The inside covers are made of black moire paper.

The gutter is very small, allowing me to design the images over two pages while the book lays open completly flat.

I got a call from Casey a couple of days ago. She said that they just love the album, and have received a ton of compliments on it. Thanks so much, Casey, you're a doll!

I'm delivering another album this week, it is an engagement session sign-in book that I really love. The bride is so sweet and her wedding is next week. As usual, I'm just as pumped up and nervous as she must be. This time I'll have a 2nd photographer shooting with me, so the images should be fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Leah, I love the album, you did a wonderful job as always. Casey loves it too and has been showing it off to everyone. Just a note to others this is truly worth ordering it is breathtakig.


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Mom of four fantastic, funny kids. Freakishy addicted to hot tea and cold cereal. Fantasizes about a future in photography. Loves to death her fun friends, funky family and football (just ask anyone). This has been brought to you by the letters "Ph."